Quality brings great things to light
Tunnel construction
Implenia is a recognised expert for demanding tunnel construction of all kinds. In the course of a 100-year tradition, we have acquired unique expertise and experience, particularly with transport tunnels and in power plant construction. This is evidenced by numerous projects that have gone down in construction history, such as the world's longest railway tunnel, the Gotthard Base Tunnel.
Implenia Tunnelling in figures
Number of countries
Tunnelling kilometres
Reference projects
Our services
For the tunnel contruction we focus on the sustainable cost-effectiveness of the customer's solution in terms of costs, deadlines, quality and functionality. Implenia is committed to the highest quality standards. To achieve this, we combine proven skills with a spirit of innovation, state-of-the-art processes and technologies.
Transport tunnels
Successful tunnel construction for rail and road combines experience and expertise with state-of-the-art technology and respect for nature. Implenia is a master of all modern tunnelling construction methods. Likewise, all complementary special processes are part of our daily bread. Implenia's comprehensive range of services, which we offer in Switzerland and in selected foreign markets, also includes sophisticated finishing work with railway and transport technology and the refurbishment of underground structures.
Transport tunnels
Successful tunnel construction for rail and road combines experience and competence with modern technology and respect for nature. Implenia has mastered all the modern construction methods of tunnel construction. And all the supplementary special procedures are part of our daily bread. Implenia's comprehensive range of services, which we offer in Switzerland and in selected foreign markets, also includes the demanding final construction of rail and road tunnels using railway and transport technology, as well as the renovation of underground structures.
We set international standards. Our latest coup: the world's longest railway tunnel through the Gotthard, at 57 kilometres. We are open to all forms of cooperation, whether as general contractor, total contractor or specialized subcontractor.
Implenia has mastered all excavation procedures and construction methods:
- Rock drilling and blasting
- Driving with tunnel boring machines in the rock: full cut tunnel boring machine, tunnel boring extension machine
- Shield machine tunnelling in loose rock: with/without mechanical support, with compressed air support (compressed air shield), with earth pressure support (earth pressure shield), with fluid support (hydro shield)
- Machine-assisted tunnelling in rock and loose rock: roadheader, excavation with mining hammer/excavator bucket, ripper or cutting head
- Special procedures and auxiliary building measures: pipe umbrella, spit umbrella, jetting umbrella, injection, freezing method, chest anchor
- Preventer protected advance explorations
- Segment production
We construct vertical and inclined shafts using the sinking method, the raise drilling method or as shaft excavation. We also provide numerous additional services such as materials management and logistics concepts, surveying, project and construction management as well as consulting and feasibility studies.
Service tunnels
Supply and disposal lines are central lifelines of populated areas. The constant growth of urban centres and conurbations calls for new construction methods so that people and traffic are not disturbed as much as possible. Implenia offers innovative, sophisticated complete solutions for trenchless construction.
More information on service tunnels
Using microtunnelling, pipe jacking and horizontal drilling, Implenia is able to construct service tunnels and pipelines for which only a start and target shaft is required above ground. We also offer the construction of these shafts. This saves on interfaces and your order is completed more quickly and flexibly. Implenia can draw on its own complete range of equipment for all procedures.
Our service package for trenchless construction is rounded off with consultations and feasibility studies.
Power plant construction
Implenia offers a comprehensive range of services in power plant construction. Our engineers and specialists are entrusted with the construction of tunnels and inclined shafts of challenging lengths and inclinations, whether in mechanised tunnelling, where we have unique experience and a comprehensive inventory of our own, or in conventional blasting. We construct vertical and inclined shafts using the appropriate sinking method, raise-boring method or shaft excavation. Finally, we also construct caverns of all dimensions.
Further information on power plant construction
Construction sites for power plants are often located in difficult-to-access mountainous areas, where our engineers and specialists are confronted with special topographical and climatic demands. Thanks to their broad experience and flexibility, they master even the most difficult challenges and hand over the finished project to the client on time and in the usual Implenia quality.
Implenia is proficient in all excavation methods:
- Blasting in rock
- Tunnelling with tunnel boring machines: full cut tunnel boring machine, tunnel boring extension machine
- Machine-assisted excavation: roadheader, excavation with excavation hammer/excavation bucket, ripper or cutting head
- Special procedures and auxiliary construction measures: Pipe screen, spike screen, jetting screen, injectio-nes, freezing method, breast anchor
- Preventer-protected advance explorations
In addition, there are numerous additional services such as material management and logistics concepts, surveying, project and construction management as well as consulting and feasibility studies. Preventer-protected advance explorations
Vision Underground
The future of underground construction
VISION UNDERGROUND reflects on the future of underground construction, a topic that affects more than just the construction industry.
HS-EPS tunnel elements
High-strength expanded polystyrene
Demanding ground conditions in tunnel construction are mastered with high-strength expanded polystyrene (HS-EPS) tunnel elements.
Tunnelling and its importance
A selection of our best projects

Slussen SN91
Extensive rock and concrete work at Katarina Mountain. To accommodate Stockholm's continuous development, Slussen is rebuilt and a bus terminal is built at Katarinaberget.
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Sandbukta-Moss-Såstad (SMS2A)
The new double-track project Sandbukta-Moss-Såstad (SMS2A) is part of the Intercity development and one of the plots in the connection to Halden (west line of Østfoldbanen). On the line, 10.3 km of double-track will be rebuilt, partly in tunnel and partly in daytime.
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Secondo tubo San Gottardo - Los 241, Haupttunnel Nord
The project includes the construction of the second tunnel bore north (2TG), the fault zone drive north, the second stage of the pre-cut, the TBM starting section, the cross-connections, the ventilation centres and the lay-bys.
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E39 Rogfast, E02 Kvitsøy contract
The Joint Venture (JV) of Implenia and Stangeland Maskin (Implenia 77%, Stangeland Maskin 23%) has been awarded with a second contract for the Rogfast project by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The total contract value of the new project E02 Kvitsøy amounts to more than CHF 540 million, resulting in an order volume for Implenia of over CHF 420 million.
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District heating tunnel – West (FWS-West) Southern Line
Wärme Hamburg is a 100% municipal heat supplier and, with the "FWS-West project", intends to install a district heating line from the new CHP plant to be built at the Dradenau site through the Waltershof port area, in a new tunnel structure under the Elbe through to the existing District Heating West Line in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld in the Notkestrasse and to connect it there.
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Brenner Basistunnel Los H41
The Brenner Base Tunnel is a flat railroad tunnel connecting Italy and Austria. It runs between Innsbruck and Franzensfeste over a length of 55 km.
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Semmering Base Tunnel SBT Lot 2.1
The planned Semmering Base Tunnel (SBT) is currently one of the most important large-scale infrastructure projects in the heart of Europe and part of the new Austrian Southern Railway, which is the central axis on the trans-European route from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic Sea.
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The new Wendlingen-Ulm line (NBS), together with Stuttgart 21, significantly improves Baden-Württemberg's infrastructure and thus creates shorter travel and transport times not only in Baden-Württemberg but also across Germany and Europe.
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Lyon Metro Line B
This project, with a length of approximately 2.5 km, will extend line B from Gare d'Oullins station to Hôpitaux Lyon Sud station and create two additional stations. The journey time between Oullins station and the Lyon Sud hospitals is 3 minutes and 20 seconds.
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Nant de Drance pumped storage power station
The project involves the construction of a pumped storage power plant between the two dams Emosson and Vieux Emosson. The new power plant cavern is located at approx. 1700 m a.s.l. Access to the underground facility is from below through a 5 km long tunnel and from above through a 2 km long tunnel system.
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Slussen SN91
Extensive rock and concrete work at Katarina Mountain. To accommodate Stockholm's continuous development, Slussen is rebuilt and a bus terminal is built at Katarinaberget.
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Sandbukta-Moss-Såstad (SMS2A)
The new double-track project Sandbukta-Moss-Såstad (SMS2A) is part of the Intercity development and one of the plots in the connection to Halden (west line of Østfoldbanen). On the line, 10.3 km of double-track will be rebuilt, partly in tunnel and partly in daytime.
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Secondo tubo San Gottardo - Los 241, Haupttunnel Nord
The project includes the construction of the second tunnel bore north (2TG), the fault zone drive north, the second stage of the pre-cut, the TBM starting section, the cross-connections, the ventilation centres and the lay-bys.
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E39 Rogfast, E02 Kvitsøy contract
The Joint Venture (JV) of Implenia and Stangeland Maskin (Implenia 77%, Stangeland Maskin 23%) has been awarded with a second contract for the Rogfast project by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The total contract value of the new project E02 Kvitsøy amounts to more than CHF 540 million, resulting in an order volume for Implenia of over CHF 420 million.
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District heating tunnel – West (FWS-West) Southern Line
Wärme Hamburg is a 100% municipal heat supplier and, with the "FWS-West project", intends to install a district heating line from the new CHP plant to be built at the Dradenau site through the Waltershof port area, in a new tunnel structure under the Elbe through to the existing District Heating West Line in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld in the Notkestrasse and to connect it there.
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Brenner Basistunnel Los H41
The Brenner Base Tunnel is a flat railroad tunnel connecting Italy and Austria. It runs between Innsbruck and Franzensfeste over a length of 55 km.
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Semmering Base Tunnel SBT Lot 2.1
The planned Semmering Base Tunnel (SBT) is currently one of the most important large-scale infrastructure projects in the heart of Europe and part of the new Austrian Southern Railway, which is the central axis on the trans-European route from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic Sea.
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The new Wendlingen-Ulm line (NBS), together with Stuttgart 21, significantly improves Baden-Württemberg's infrastructure and thus creates shorter travel and transport times not only in Baden-Württemberg but also across Germany and Europe.
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Lyon Metro Line B
This project, with a length of approximately 2.5 km, will extend line B from Gare d'Oullins station to Hôpitaux Lyon Sud station and create two additional stations. The journey time between Oullins station and the Lyon Sud hospitals is 3 minutes and 20 seconds.
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Nant de Drance pumped storage power station
The project involves the construction of a pumped storage power plant between the two dams Emosson and Vieux Emosson. The new power plant cavern is located at approx. 1700 m a.s.l. Access to the underground facility is from below through a 5 km long tunnel and from above through a 2 km long tunnel system.
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Slussen SN91
Extensive rock and concrete work at Katarina Mountain. To accommodate Stockholm's continuous development, Slussen is rebuilt and a bus terminal is built at Katarinaberget.
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Sandbukta-Moss-Såstad (SMS2A)
The new double-track project Sandbukta-Moss-Såstad (SMS2A) is part of the Intercity development and one of the plots in the connection to Halden (west line of Østfoldbanen). On the line, 10.3 km of double-track will be rebuilt, partly in tunnel and partly in daytime.
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