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Implenia har en åpen, transparent og betimelig informasjons policy som ivaretar interessene til aksjonærer, investorer og allmennheten.
New-build data centre for Green in Lupfig | Facade for Heidekreis Clinic in Bad Fallingbostel | New “Clinic 2” building,...
Trafikverket gir Implenia oppdraget med byggefasen av prosjektet "Ostlänken" | Ny jernbanelinje forbedrer forbindelsen...
Martin Fischer to step down from the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting in March 2025 | Marie-Noëlle...
New administrative offices for the Swiss National Science Fund (SNSF) | TRON Research Building in Mainz | Large,...
Large new hotel in Andermatt | Implenia as a total contractor | Further attractive building construction orders in...
Implenia acknowledges examination of a possible merger between Ina Invest and Cham Group and welcomes talks
Bransjeleder innen miljø, sosiale forhold og selskapsstyring | MSCI bekrefter AAA-rating | Posisjonen i Sustainalytics...
Contract to build a section of the “West Link” scheme, including railway tunnel and station, that will improve mobility...
Contract for “Sisikon Tunnel”, lot 200 of the “Neue Axenstrasse” project, is awarded to joint venture led by Implenia |...