Comunicato stampa,
Comunicato stampa,
Tunnel og tunnelrehabilitering,
Costruzione gallerie,
Costruzione gallerie

Implenia to build one of the world’s deepest metro stations

Stockholm Region and Implenia have signed a contract for construction of the new “Sofia” metro station and associated tunnels in Stockholm | The order is worth SEK 1 billion (approximately CHF 110 million)

Dielikon, 3 May 2021 – Stockholm’s blue subway line is being extended from the centrally located Kungsträdgården to Nacka in the southeast of the Swedish capital as well as to Hammarby Sjöstad in the south. Implenia has been commissioned by Stockholm Region to build the new underground station “Sofia” including elevator shafts, two single-track tunnels for the subway and a parallel service tunnel. This requires the construction of 4.6 kilometres of drill and blast tunnels. The contract is worth SEK 1 billion (approximately CHF 110 million).

The new “Sofia” metro station, located close to Stigbergsparken, will become an important hub for travellers. Located approximately 100 metres below ground, it will be one of the deepest underground stations in the world. Eight large high-speed elevators will take commuters to and from the platforms in about 30 seconds.

Implenia’s contract is primarily for the construction work, though Implenia’s Technical Design Office will be responsible for the design of concrete works. Overall design is provided by the client. Construction will take place from Q3/2021 to Q4/2025.

The contract is a continuation of the 1.5 kilometre “London Viaduct” access tunnel that Implenia was commissioned to construct by Stockholm Region in 2019. This tunnelling work is currently underway and heading towards Sofia’s future main tunnels.

“It is an honour to take on another tunnel project of this scale – a complex, multidisciplinary project aligned perfectly with our expertise”, says Per Linden, Country President Sweden. “With preparatory work already underway on the London Viaduct, we can ensure that Sofia is built safely and efficiently.”

Winning the contract for Sofia marks yet another success for Implenia’s tunnelling business. In future we will only be providing our fully integrated portfolio of services in Switzerland and Germany; but Implenia’s tunnelling expertise will continue to be offered successfully in other markets, including Sweden.

Contact for media:

Corporate Communications, T +41 58 474 74 77, communication@implenia.com


Contact for Investors and Analysts:

Investor Relations, T +41 58 474 35 04, ir@implenia.com


Investors’ diary:

17 August 2021:                Half-year Report 2021



As Switzerland’s leading construction and real estate service provider, Implenia develops and builds homes, workplaces and infrastructure for future generations in Switzerland and Germany. It also plans and builds complex infrastructure projects in Austria, France, Sweden and Norway. Formed in 2006, the company can look back on around 150 years of construction tradition. The company brings together the know-how of its highly skilled consulting, planning and execution units under the umbrella of an integrated leading multinational construction and real estate service provider. With its broad offering and the extensive experience of its specialists, the Group can realise complex major projects and provide customer-centric support across the entire life-cycle of a building or structure. It focuses on customer needs and on striking a sustainable balance between commercial success and social and environmental responsibility. Implenia, with its headquarters in Opfikon near Zurich, employs more than 8,500 people in Europe and posted revenue of almost CHF 4 billion in 2020. The company is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (IMPN, CH0023868554). More information can be found at implenia.com.