Tief- und Strassenbau Projekt Pistensanierung Flughafen Zürich

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Road construction

Civil engineering contacts in Switzerland

Peter Fringeli
Head Civil DE-Switzerland, Market Manager Region Central CH
+41 58 474 32 99 peter.fringeli@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card
Andreas Rogenmoser
Head Civil Western Switzerland
andreas.rogenmoser@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card
Walter Wolf
Marktleiter Nordwestschweiz/Bern
walter.wolf@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card
Markus Bauer
Marktleiter Zürich/Ost
+41 58 474 34 43 markus.bauer2@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card

Road construction reference projects

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Erneuerung Waldenburgerbahn Los 6.1

Waldenburg, Switzerland

Start of construction: October 2020
Construction volume (value of our services): 69,93 M EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

The renewal of the Waldenburg railway between Liestal and Waldenburg includes the upgrading of sections of the line to double track, the reconstruction and new construction of stops, the total renovation of the Waldenburg…

Ausbau K 268 Mellingerstrasse / Ersatz SBB Brücke B-223

Baden, Switzerland

Start of construction: October 2021
Construction volume (value of our services): 11,803 M EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

A complete rehabilitation and road/civil engineering redesign of the nearly 550 m long section of Mellingerstrasse in Baden is being undertaken. The operational optimizations of the heavily trafficked road envisage a concrete…

Ersatzneubau Bahnhof Liestal, Neubau Wohn- und Verwaltungsgebäude

Liestal, Switzerland

Start of construction: February 2022
Construction volume (value of our services): 41,086 M EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

In recent years, SBB station Liestal has developed into the transport hub of the upper Basel region. For this reason, SBB is planning comprehensive infrastructure measures to improve services and increase capacity. …

AFW Holligen Nord

Bern, Switzerland

Start of construction: May 2022
Construction volume (value of our services): 7,459 M EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

Energie Wasser Bern is connecting the Holligen district with district heating pipelines as part of various expansion stages.

STEP AS25 Rüthi – Oberriet, system adjustments

Rüthi – Oberriet, Switzerland

Start of construction: June 2022
Construction volume (value of our services): 102,715 M EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

The project "STEP AS25, Rüthi SG- Oberriet, plant modifications" essentially comprises a 2,100 m long double track extension for the SBB.