Citybanan Project Odenplan and Vasatunnel
Short description
The Citybanan connects the northern and the southern part of Stockholm subterranean with two additional rail tracks and doubles the capacity of the rail connection which exists since 1871. The wider area of Stockholm increases by 20.000 inhabitants every year. To offset the estimated traffic volume, the project Citybanan was realized.
The project
The new rail connection „Citybanan“ consists of seven sections with two subterranean rail stations (Odenplan and Centralstation), about 500 m tunnel open coverage type, 5.000 m rock tunnel and 500 m immersed tunnel on ground of the Lake Mälaren. The segment B3-9509 Odenplan & Vasatunnel in the north of Stockholm comprises about 2.000 m rock tunnel with an underground station, which is connected to the subway station Odenplan.
Because of the inner-city location, strict requirements respective noise abatement measures, Vibrations from detonations and dust emissions have to be observed. The work in the area of the existing subway station was processed while the usual operations continued without track possessions. Thereby special attention is given to forecasted vibrations while blasting, as well as to the settlements of existing structures.
The blasted rock masses, recycled on site, could be reused as backfilling. In the field of occupational and environmental safety, regularly safety tours by line managers take place and new personnel on site receive safety and environmental training.
Further information
Key Figures
- Realization 2009 – 2015
- Total length L = 1,9 km
- Excav. cross section A = 22 -338 m2
- Geology Granite
Implenia on site
Implenia Construction GmbH,
Civil Engineering
Landsberger Straße 290 a, D-80687 Munich
Scope of works
Technical and commercial management
Performed services
Tunneling works
Construction methods
- Railway tunnel in drill & blast method,
- L = 1,9 km, A = 22 – 339 m²
- Consisting of rock cavern, tunnel, exit- and service tunnel, supply air tunnel and cross passages
- Total excavation length L = ~4,500 m
Project Participants
Trafikverket, Stora Projekt
SWECO and Grontmij
Implenia Construction GmbH