Tief- und Strassenbau Projekt Pistensanierung Flughafen Zürich

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Road construction

Civil engineering contacts in Switzerland

Peter Fringeli
Head Civil DE-Switzerland, Market Manager Region Central CH
+41 58 474 32 99 peter.fringeli@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card
Andreas Rogenmoser
Head Civil Western Switzerland
andreas.rogenmoser@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card
Walter Wolf
Marktleiter Nordwestschweiz/Bern
walter.wolf@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card
Markus Bauer
Marktleiter Zürich/Ost
+41 58 474 34 43 markus.bauer2@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card

Road construction reference projects

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Gesamtsanierung Monbijoustrasse

Bern, Switzerland

Start of construction: February 2021
Construction volume (value of our services): 13,161 M EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

The track system for the streetcar on Monbijoustrasse from the Eigerstrasse junction to the Seftigenstrasse junction had to be replaced due to its age.

Stettlen, Schwandihof WL

Bern, Switzerland

Start of construction: June 2022
Construction volume (value of our services): 307,816 M EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

With the "Schwandihof property", Bernapark AG created a new quarter on an old farm site, which combines living, work and leisure in one place. We carried out the civil engineering work for this project. These were carried out in…

Steffisburg, Gschwendareal

Steffisburg, Switzerland

Start of construction: November 2022
Construction volume (value of our services): 121.000 EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

The project included pavement paving as part of the environmental works of the Gschwendareal.

Fulenbach, Erweiterung

Bern, Switzerland

Start of construction: May 2023
Construction volume (value of our services): 141.000 EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

The project included the construction of an access road on the premises of Fischer Papier AG.