Lilla Lidingöbron
Short description
Bridge building that brings people together. The old Lidingö Bridge is worn out and nearing the end of its service life. Renovation would be too expensive, so it was decided to build a brand new bridge.
The project
The new bridge will cross the Lilla Värtan between Lidingö and Stockholm and will be one of the longest bridges in Sweden with a length of 730 meters, 16 bridge piers and 15 spans. The width of the bridge will be approximately 16 meters, with 7.4 meters reserved for pedestrian, bicycle and moped traffic and 8 meters for streetcar traffic. It is a prestressed concrete bridge with foundations for the bridge supports in the water, which is a technical challenge. The bridge will be designed to be accessible and attractive to all social groups. It is designed to accommodate a tripling of pedestrian and bicycle traffic and has excellent viewing areas.
Implenia's work will begin in October 2018 and is scheduled for completion in October 2023. The new bridge is scheduled to open to traffic in December 2022, and demolition of the old bridge will take place in the final year.