Öppen, transparent och målinriktad informationspolicy.
Implenia har en öppen, transparent och målinriktad informationspolicy som skyddar aktieägarnas, investerarnas och allmänhetens intressen.
With the agreed acquisition of BAM Swiss AG, Implenia becomes a leading construction services provider in the healthcare...
The Swiss Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) has awarded the CHF 86.6 million contract to build a 4 km access shaft for the...
Fornebubanen has chosen Implenia for tunnel and ground construction from Lysaker to Fornebu | estimated contract value...
On 10th March 2021, Bane NOR and MossIA ANS celebrated the breakthrough of the Mossetunnel in Sandbukta. Implenia is...
General contracting and planning skills prove decisive | New office, hotel and residential projects worth around EUR 140...
Implenia and Webuild Group in first place after bid opening | Project worth EUR 1.07 billion
Order book of CHF 6,386 million at high level and of improved quality. Value Assurance framework effective, allowing...
Formed in 2006 from the merger between Zschokke and Batigroup, Implenia can look back on around 150 years of history in...