Öppen, transparent och målinriktad informationspolicy.
Implenia har en öppen, transparent och målinriktad informationspolicy som skyddar aktieägarnas, investerarnas och allmänhetens intressen.
Implenia well on track – increased profit based on underlying performance. Implenia improved underlying performance by...
Position as industry leader in Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) strengthened
Hållbara bostads-, kontors- och kommersiella byggprojekt | partnerskapsbaserat samarbete med kunderna | BIM och Lean i...
I Rönnskär utanför Skellefteå har Implenia Sverige under 2018-2021 byggt ett unikt djupförvar av processavfall från...
Implenia is selling its stake in Gravière de la Claie-aux-Moines (GCM) SA. This is the latest move in Implenia’s effort...
New tunnel will connect north Hamburg to a new heating network | Contract worth approximately CHF 75 million (EUR 72...
SBB Immobilien asks Implenia to build five buildings as total contractor | New residential and business district west of...
Implenia increases its recently announced CHF 150 million senior bond by CHF 25 million to a final issue size of CHF 175...
Joint venture consisting of Implenia and Webuild Group wins lot H41 of Brenner Base Tunnel. The total contract volume is...