Öppen, transparent och målinriktad informationspolicy.
Implenia har en öppen, transparent och målinriktad informationspolicy som skyddar aktieägarnas, investerarnas och allmänhetens intressen.
Successful issuance enables Group to extend debt maturity profile and further strengthens its financing structure.
Implenia confirms EBIT guidance for 2021 | the Group intends to further strengthen the equity base by at least CHF 80...
I Varberg och Varbergstunneln: Vi har sprängt oss ned mitt i Varberg centrum!
Ceremony by the Swiss Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) to mark the ground-breaking for the second tube of the Gotthard road...
Implenia and Deutsche Seereederei are establishing a joint venture. The two partners each have a share of 50% in the...
Implenia Baugesellschaft m.b.H. plans to sell its Austrian building construction unit to ZECH Bau Austria GmbH, with...
Implenia is on track with its transformation – the operational measures are having positive impact on results. We...
Strategic focus on profitability results in EBIT of CHF 40.0 million; all Divisions contributed to positive EBIT Order...
Den nya tunnelbanestationen "Museumsinsel" i Berlin har öppnats. Berlins första helt barriärfria tunnelbanelinje är nu...