Öppen, transparent och målinriktad informationspolicy.
Implenia har en öppen, transparent och målinriktad informationspolicy som skyddar aktieägarnas, investerarnas och allmänhetens intressen.
EcoVadis is the world’s largest provider of sustainability ratings | Implenia now in top five percent of suppliers |...
Implenia builds Norway’s longest railway bridge | high focus on sustainability | fully digital design and construction...
Zurich’s northern bypass | Making the original two tubes safer | Total contract volume of CHF 184 million for ARGE GUBRI...
SNBS awards Gold certificate for the Rue de Lausanne 42-44 project in Geneva, which was converted and energy-efficiently...
2021 financial statements approved | Existing members of the Board of Directors confirmed for a further term | Judith...
Implenia wins general contractor order for EUREF-Campus in Düsseldorf | Project worth approximately CHF 186 million (EUR...
Konsortiet Implenia / DSD / Stahlbau Niesky tilldelas kontraktet för byggandet av den nya 1,1 km långa Elbe-bron nära...
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Glattpark (Opfikon), 8 March 2022 Implenia published its Annual Report for...
Execution of transformation far advanced; strong and high-quality order intake Equity strengthened; strong cash flow in...