Tief- und Strassenbau Projekt Pistensanierung Flughafen Zürich

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Road construction

Civil engineering contacts in Switzerland

Peter Fringeli
Head Civil DE-Switzerland, Market Manager Region Central CH
+41 58 474 32 99 peter.fringeli@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card
Andreas Rogenmoser
Head Civil Western Switzerland
andreas.rogenmoser@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card
Walter Wolf
Marktleiter Nordwestschweiz/Bern
walter.wolf@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card
Markus Bauer
Marktleiter Zürich/Ost
+41 58 474 34 43 markus.bauer2@implenia.com Linkedin Download VCF-Card Business card

Road construction reference projects

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Einhausung Schwamendingen (ZH) – Lärmschutzmassnahme

Zürich, Switzerland

Start of construction: September 2018
Construction volume (value of our services): 50,703 M EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

Construction of the new cut-and-cover tunnel with a length of 940 metres, a width of 30 metres and a height of 8 to 10 metres.

SBB Vierspurausbau – Liestal

Liestal, Switzerland

Start of construction: June 2019
Construction volume (value of our services): 112,457 M EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

Expansion of the SBB railway line from two tracks to four over a length of 2.5 km, upgrading the train station including the construction of new structures on the platform, and modifications to the infrastructure. …