Basel, Implenia Switzerland Ltd.
In Basel können unsere Kunden auf das ganze Leistungsportfolio von Implenia zurückgreifen. Unsere Spezialisten agieren standort- und bereichsübergreifend, um Ihnen die beste Lösung aus einer Hand anzubieten.
Sie erreichen uns unter
Unsere Dienstleistungen
Gesundheitswesen und Laborbau
In der Region «Nordwest» von Implenia, zu der Basel gehört, ist auch die Einheit «Gesundheits- und Laborgebäude» zu Hause. So sind wir in Lage, die Themen Labor- & Gesundheit sowie Beratung und Planung aus einer Hand und nah an unseren Kunden anzubieten. Aktuell bauen unsere Spezialisten als Totalunternehmer den Neubau «Dreiklang» des KSA.
Jochen Dietmeier, Leiter Gesundheits- und Laborbau
Implenia entwickelt, plant und baut nachhaltige Immobilien für künftige Generationen – und wird dies in Zukunft noch effizienter und digitaler tun.
Lutz Pauls, Geschäftsstellenleiter Neubau Basel
Implenia versteht es, Baumodernisierungen langfristig und nachhaltig anzugehen. Denn Modernisierungen bieten enormes Potential und schonen unsere Ressourcen. Unser Experten helfen Ihnen dabei.
Francis Ribeiro, Leiter Modernisierung / Basel
Jedes Bau-Projekt ist einmalig und damit auch seine Realisierung. Implenia beherrscht alle Technologien, die für die Realisierung erforderlich sind.
Sprechen Sie mit uns über Ihre Wünsche! Wir beraten Sie gerne und freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf.
Stefan Hellstern, Leiter Baumeister
Philipp Behnke, Leiter Baumeister Umbau
Baumeister Kundenmaurer und Sichtbetonkosmetik
Real Estate
Als führender Bau- und Immobiliendienstleister entwickelt und realisiert Implenia Lebensräume, Arbeitswelten und Infrastruktur für künftige Generationen. Um dieser Vision gerecht zu werden, bietet Implenia weit mehr als die bekannten Ausführungen als General- oder Totalunternehmer an.
Tiefbau nach höchsten Ansprüchen: Wir bieten Ihnen auch komplexe Projekte aus einer Hand – interdisziplinär und lean organisiert. Sie suchen Partner für Tunnel, Strassen, Geotechnik oder Ingenieurbau? Wir arbeiten für Sie nach höchsten Massstäben.
Wolf Walter, Leiter Tiefbau Nordwest/Bern
Implenia ist Ihr Experte für Ingenieurbau – von der Planung bis zur Fertigstellung. Wir realisieren technische Bauwerke, die so individuell sind wie Sie.
Primary Contact
Buildings Region Nordwest
Buildings Modernisation
Buildings Baumeister Neubau
Buildings Baumeister Umbau
Erneuerung Waldenburgerbahn Los 6.1
Waldenburg, Switzerland
Start of construction:
October 2020
Construction volume (value of our services):
69,9 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
The renewal of the Waldenburg railway between Liestal and Waldenburg includes the upgrading of sections of the line to double track, the reconstruction and new construction of stops, the total renovation of the Waldenburg…
MFH Lilienstrasse
Allschwil, Switzerland
Start of construction:
July 2020
Construction volume (value of our services):
6,5 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
The "Lilienstrasse" project consists of a four-storey building and a car park.
New Aarau Cantonal Hospital "Dreiklang" (KSA) building
Aarau, Switzerland
Start of construction: January 2020
The cantonal hospital in Aarau is currently the largest new hospital building in Switzerland. The name "Dreiklang" (triad) is explained by the optimal interplay between functional areas and outpatient clinics in the base building…
Vier Wohnhäuser Langenhagweg
Allschwil, Switzerland
Start of construction:
October 2019
Construction volume (value of our services):
19,7 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
The Langenhagweg project consists of 4 residential buildings, each with a basement and base floor, a ground floor, two upper floors and an attic floor.
SBB Vierspurausbau – Liestal
Liestal, Switzerland
Start of construction:
June 2019
Construction volume (value of our services):
113 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
Expansion of the SBB railway line from two tracks to four over a length of 2.5 km, upgrading the train station including the construction of new structures on the platform, and modifications to the infrastructure. …
Parking Kunstmuseum
Basel, Switzerland
Start of construction:
October 2018
Construction volume (value of our services):
40,8 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
In the St. Alban-Graben in Basel, a busy street with two-lane streetcar traffic, a new underground parking lot is to be built, surrounded by the Museum of Art and Antiquities, the main branches of UBS and CS in Basel and the…
New BSS building of the Department of Biosystems, Basel
Basel, Switzerland
Start of construction:
October 2018
Construction volume (value of our services):
145 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
The new building for the Department D-BSSE (Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering), founded by ETH Zurich in 2007, will provide experimental biologists and bioinformaticians with the best conditions to generate new…
Neubau Alterspflegeheim Humanitas
Riehen, Switzerland
Start of construction:
September 2015
Construction volume (value of our services):
25,7 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
A new building is planned for a nursing home for the elderly with a garden in Riehen, Niederholz. The building has a basement, a ground floor and three upper floors.
Neubau Felix Platter Spital, Basel
Basel, Switzerland
Start of construction:
January 2015
Construction volume (value of our services):
201 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
A completely new building will be constructed at the current location on Burgfelderstrasse for around CHF 200 million. The current situation with the hospital built in 1967 no longer meets the structural and operational…
Schoren Hochhäuser
Basel, Switzerland
Start of construction:
July 2014
Construction volume (value of our services):
40,2 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
The construction project comprises the new construction of two high-rise buildings with 18 and 16 upper floors respectively. Both buildings have two basement floors. The existing car park was structurally repaired and adapted to…
Basel, Switzerland
Implenia Switzerland Ltd.
Burgfelderstrasse 211
4055 Basel
Contact persons

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Division Buildings
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Alternatively, the business card is available for download. Download VCF-Card

Alternatively, the business card is available for download. Download VCF-Card

Alternatively, the business card is available for download. Download VCF-Card

Alternatively, the business card is available for download. Download VCF-Card
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