No trust without transparency
Corporate Governance
Implenia is committed to good corporate governance, to corporate management that is characterised by a sense of responsibility and transparency.
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The concept of corporate governance
Corporate governance is all about the arrangements made to lead and monitor a business. It is determined primarily by owners and laws.
Good corporate governance ensures that a business is managed responsibly, transparently and with a focus on long-term success. Implenia's corporate governance principles and rules are set out in its Articles of Association and Organisational Regulations. Rules on acceptable business practices and standards of behaviour for all Implenia employees and their partners are set out in its Code of Conduct. Implenia's priority is to maintain confidence and trust in the company among investors, customers, employees and the general public.
You can learn more about corporate governance in the current Annual Report.
Articles of association
Acquire, hold, use, encumber and sell.
The current articles of association of Implenia are available here.
The articles of association of 28 March 2023 which are relevant for the annual report 2023 are available here as a PDF for download.
The articles of association of 24 March 2020 which are relevant for the annual reports 2021 and 2022 are available here as a PDF for download.
The articles of association of 27 March 2018 which are relevant for the annual report 2018 to 2020 are available here as a PDF for download.
The articles of association of 24 March 2015 which are relevant for the annual report 2015 to 2017 are available here as a PDF for download.
The articles of association of 24 March 2014 which are relevant for the annual report 2014 are available here as a PDF for download.
Current Statutes
Organizational Regulations
Implenia’s Organizational Regulations are available as a PDF for download.
Current organisational regulations
Code of Conduct
How we work
Implenia conducts business ethically and responsibly. The basis for our day-to-day work and for making corporate decisions are our values and Code of Conducts, which summarise the most important rules of behaviour in our interactions with colleagues and third parties.
Building ethically
Implenia acts responsibly. Its employees know that their day-to-day actions create Implenia's image and determine whether the company is trusted or not. The Code of Conduct sets out Implenia's underlying principles. It governs the way employees interact with each other, with business partners and with the authorities.
As well as complying with all the relevant laws, Implenia also follows additional ethical standards. Our Code of Conduct, Sustainability Guidelines and social commitments influence the way we work; but we also require our partners, subcontractors and suppliers to live up to the same standards. We document our actions transparently.
Implenia's basic principles also include the commitment to protect its own employees from physical danger, sexual harassment and discrimination. A zero tolerance policy on alcohol and other substances that can affect judgement applies right across the company.
Implenia and all its employees treat customer and employee data with the greatest of care. Implenia is also committed to fight corruption. This commitment includes a re-sponsible approach to gifts.
The rules set out in the Code of Conduct are binding throughout Implenia. Infringements will be met by sanctions.
Promoting a culture of speaking out with no fear of retaliation
Implenia supports a culture that encourages every individual to speak out freely and to report potential misconduct. We therefore encourage anyone who witnesses or experiences any misconduct in a work-related context to come forward and to raise their concerns. You can report potential breaches of the Implenia Code of Conduct as well as of applicable laws and regulations. This may include actions that cause serious damage to the environment, situations that jeopardise public health or the health and safety of individuals, any unsafe working environment, breaches of human rights, including harassment (sexual, racial or other abuse/discrimination), child labour and actual or threatened physical violence, corruption or other criminal offences, including bribery, conflicts of interest, breaches of competition law etc.
As a whistleblower, you are protected from retaliation when reporting a potential violation. This protection is also extended to other people who are closely associated with you, such as family members.
The following channels are available to report a suspected compliance violation:
- E-Mail:
- Call our Compliance Team: +41 58 474 74 74
Speak Up Line reports can also be submitted anonymously
What does quality mean and how do we live it at Implenia?
Quality is a key element of our culture and makes an essential contribution to the success of our projects and Implenia as a whole. Implenia's five corporate values form the foundation of our culture, and the five values are also a good way of explaining what we expect of the quality of our services.
Excellence means meeting the highest quality standards in our projects and services. We set standards based on innovation as well as on our comprehensive expertise and many years of experience. With the goal of meeting or even exceeding the expectations of our customers and partners. To achieve this, we must define clear, uniform processes and live by them.
Good and goal-oriented collaboration within the team is a central prerequisite for quality to emerge. Only when everyone brings their strengths, individual experience and skills to the team can we master the daily challenges in our projects.
If we recognize opportunities and risks in our daily work at an early stage and take action quickly - both strategically and operationally - we act agilely and reduce the likelihood of problems that cost us money. We live agility as a team, constantly looking for new and innovative solutions to generate and sustainably improve added value and quality for our customers.
We expect process integrity from all employees. The Implenia Management System is the basis of our actions. Our processes and responsibilities are centrally stored and documented there. We all implement these processes in our daily work, adhere to them and use the current associated documents and templates.
We see errors as a change for improvement. We want to solve problems in the long term by analyzing the cause and eliminating it in the long term. We share our findings with others and are open to criticism or suggestions for improvement. "Lessons learned", for example after reaching a milestone or after the completion of a project, as well as sharing knowledge with other construction sites and teams, are a matter of course for us.
Application example: Asbestos discoveries at the Gotthard
At the Gotthard access tunnel, there were asbestos discoveries in November 2022 that the original geological prognosis report had not anticipated. The project team acted quickly and prudently, involving all project stakeholders and control bodies: an excellent example of the holistic application of our processes, which ensure occupational safety and environmental protection in addition to quality.
See more in this video:
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
We forge belonging!
Success has many factors. Key elements are the right strategy, right culture and most importantly - the right people. In order to be successful as a company, we need employees who have a wide range of experience, education, know-how, values and personalities. Implenia already employs people with diverse backgrounds, who all contribute to our successful Implenia team:
- they represent over 90 nationalities, that’s almost half the world
- there are employees from all phases of life from school age to well past retirement age
- among them are extroverts and introverts, some think very fact based, some are more intuitive decision makers
- some come straight from school, others completed several degrees and have a vast experience in their field
Diverse teams are beneficial. They are more innovative, create more robust solutions, are more attractive for new talent and they perform better. Especially in a complex environment, this leads to a competitive advantage. Additionally, we want to provide equal opportunity for every individual to contribute and bring their best self to work – every day. First, this is about providing a work model which enables everyone to join the workforce and second, when people realise that they are accepted and feel safe, they are more likely to thrive and reach their full potential.