Vi som sätter kursen
Medlemmarna i styrelsen ansvarar för den strategiska ledningen av Implenia och övervakning av Implenias verkställande utskott.
Frågor till styrelsen

Personlig information
- Född 1959
- Schweiziska medborgare
- Non-executive
- Ina Invest Holding AG (Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee) - listed
- Styrelseledamot och ordförande i revisionsutskottet
- Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School
- Advanced Management Program, Wharton School
- Business degree, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
- 2008—2015
Member of Executive Board of Credit Suisse Group AG and Credit Suisse AG - 2012—2015
Head of the Private Banking & Wealth Management Division, responsible for the Private Banking business in EMEA and Asia Pacific - 2011—2012
CEO of the Private Banking Division at Credit Suisse - 2008—2015
CEO of Credit Suisse Switzerland Region - 2005—2007
Head of Private and Corporate Customers Switzerland at UBS - 2004—2007
Member of the Managing Board of UBS Group - 2003—2004
Head of Large Corporates & Multinationals at UBS - 2002
Wealth Management of UBS, New York
Ytterligare styrelseuppdrag
- Ina Invest Ltd (Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee) - listed
¹ Sedan mars 2016

Henner Mahlstedt
Ledamot och vice ordförande i styrelsen samt ledamot av revisionsutskottet
Personalig information
- Född 1953
- Tysk
- Non-executive
- Civil engineering, Braunschweig Technical University
- Sedan 2012
Verkställande aktieägare Mahlstedt Consultants GbR - 2007—2012
Ledamot Global Executive Committee Hochtief AG - 2010—2012
Chairman of the Executive Board of Hochtief Solutions AG - 2007—2010
Chairman of the Executive Board of Hochtief Construction AG
- 2005—2007
Member of the Executive Board of Hochtief Construction AG - 2003—2005
Division Head for the new German federal states at Hochtief Construction AG - 2001—2003
Chairman of the Management of Pegel & Sohn GmbH - 1997—2001
Member of the Executive Board of Strabag Hoch- und Ingenieurbau AG - 1980—1997
olika positioner inom Strabag Hoch- und Ingenieurbau AG
Ytterligare yrkeserfarenheter
- Member of the Advisory Board of Huesker Synthetic GmbH
- Member of the Board of Trustees of Diakonie Kaiserswerth
1 Sedan mars 2015

Personal data
- Född1960
- Schweizisk och amerikansk medborgare
- Non-executive
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Stanford University
- M.S. in Industrial Engineering, Stanford University
- Diploma in Civil Engineering, EPF Lausanne
- Sedan 2006
Professor for Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University - 1999—2001
Associate Professor for Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University - 1992—1999
Assistant Professor for Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University - 1991—1992
Acting Assistant Professor for Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University - 1984—1991
Various positions in industry and academy in Switzerland, Germany, the USA, and Japan
Ytterligare styrelseuppdrag
- sfirion AG (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- Cadwork Informatik CI AG (Member)
- Singular AG (Member)
¹Sedan mars 2018

Kyrre Olaf Johansen
Styrelseledamot och ordförande i nominerings- och ersättningskommittén
Personlig information
- Born 1962
- Norsk medborgare
- Non-executive
- Kanditatexamen Ekonomi, BI Norwegian Business School
- MSc Civil Engineer, NTNU Trondheim
- Sedan 2013
CEO of Norsk Mineral AS - 2008—2012
CEO of Entra Eiendom ASA - 2003—2008
CEO of Mesta AS - 2000—2003
CEO of the Road Construction Division of NCC Industri - 1999—2003
Region Head of NCC in Norway - 1991—1998
olika ledarroller inom bygg på ABB Power Generation AG - 1986—1991
Engineering consultant
¹ Sedan mars 2016

Personal data
- Born 1962
- Swiss and German citizen
- Non-executive / independent
- Finance and Audit Expert
- Degree in Economics, University of Geneva
- Certified Public Accountant
- Banker
Professional Experience
- 2008—2018
Member of the Management Committee and Group Chief Risk Officer at Banque Pictet & Cie S.A. - 2002—2007
Partner at Ernst & Young, Head of Banking and Insurance Auditing - 1987—2002
Partner at Arthur Andersen, Switzerland
Additional memberships on boards of directors
- UBS Switzerland AG (Member of the Board of Directors, Chair of the Risk Committee and Member of the Audit Committee)
- Deutsche Börse AG (Member of the Supervisory Board, Chair of the Audit Committee, Member of the Risk Committee and Member of the Nomination Committee) – listed
- Merck KGaA (Member of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Audit Committee) – listed
Additional functions and offices
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Geneva School of Economics and Management
¹ Since March 2019

Personal data
- Born 1974
- Swiss citizen
- Non executive/independent
- Attorney-at-law
- Dr.iur., University of Zurich
- Executive MBA HSG, University of St. Gall
- Master of International Business and Law from the University of Sydney
Professional Experience
- Since 2022
General Counsel and member of the Executive Leadership Team of Clariant Ltd - 2018 - 2022
General Counsel and member of the Executive Committee as well as Secretary to the Board of Directors of RUAG International Holding Ltd - 2011 – 2017
General Counsel and Member of the Executive Committee of Ascom Holding Ltd - 2005 – 2011
Attorney-at law, Lenz & Staehelin - 2002 – 2004
Law clerk, Bezirksgericht Zurich
¹ Since March 2022

Raymond Cron
Styrelseledamot och ledamot av nominerings- och ersättningskommittén
Persönliche Daten
- Jahrgang 1959
- Schweizer Staatsbürger
- Nicht exekutiv / unabhängig
- Dipl. Bau. Ing., ETH Zürich
- Nachdiplomstudium Technische Betriebswissenschaften, ETH Zürich BWI
Beruflicher Werdegang
- seit 2015
Geschäftsführer und Eigentümer der CMC Cron Management Consult AG - 2015 – 2024
Geschäftsführer, Stiftung Switzerland Innovation - 2013 – 2015
Leiter Sparte Realisation und Mitglied der Gruppenleitung, Allreal Generalunternehmung AG - 2008 – 2013
COO und Mitglied der Gruppenleitung, Orascom Development Holding AG - 2004 – 2008
Direktor des Bundesamts für Zivilluftfahrt - 1989 – 2004
Spartenleiter und Mitglied der Gruppenleitung, BATIGROUP Holding AG
Weitere Verwaltungsratsmandate
- St. Clara AG (Präsident des Verwaltungsrats)
- UZB Universitäres Zentrum für Zahnmedizin Basel (Präsident des Verwaltungsrats)
- Flughafen Basel-Mulhouse (Vizepräsident des Verwaltungsrats)
- Spitäler Schaffhausen (Präsident des Spitalrats)
- Central Real Estate Holding AG (Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats)
- Rhystadt AG (Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats)
Weitere Funktionen und Ämter
- Albert Lück Stiftung (Präsident des Stiftungsrats)
¹ Seit 2023
Nominerings- och ersättningsutskottet
- Kyrre Olaf Johansen, ordförande
- Martin Fischer, ledamot
- Raymond Cron, ledamot
- Barbara Lambert, ordförande
- Henner Mahlstedt, ledamot
- Judith Bischof, ledamot