Sustainability in figures
We assess the effects of our work by checking various indicators in priority areas, and develop new measures accordingly. This dashboard provides an overview of Implenia’s sustainability indicators.
All important indicators at a glance
Sustainability certificates in building construction
in number of projects in realisation
Greenhouse gas emissions, Implenia Global (Scopes 1 + 2)
in tonnes of CO2-eq
Revenue-adjusted greenhouse gas emissions, Implenia Global (Scopes 1+2)
in tonnes of CO2-eq / Mio. CHF
Due to the smaller number of construction projects and depending on the construction phase or choice of energy sources, emissions can fluctuate more in the smaller markets like Austria or France
Greenhouse gas emissions, Implenia Global (Scopes 1 + 2)
in tonnes of CO2-eq by energy source
Greenhouse gas emissions, Implenia Global (Scopes 1 + 2)
in % by energy source for the year 2023
Greenhouse gas emissions, Implenia Global (Scopes 1 + 2)
in % by usage for the year 2023
Greenhouse gas emissions, Implenia Global (scope 3)
in tonnes of CO2-eq by category
Further relevant categories will follow
in tonnes of CO2-eq
Estimations for relevant categories (1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 12) are based on benchmarks from CDP and competitors. The categories 3, 6 & 7 are calculated.
Energy usage, Implenia Global (Scope 1+2)
in MWh by energy source
Greenhouse gas emissions electricity, Implenia Global
market-based versus location-based for the year 2023 in tonnes of CO2-eq
Electricity usage, Implenia Global
in % renewable energy for the year 2023
PV electricity generated, Implenia Global
in kWh
The photovoltaic plant installed in Bobenheim in 2022 made up for the sale of the plants in Savigny and Echandens and slightly increased the total production volume
in % by country of origin for the year 2023
Proportion of women
in %
2023 influenced by integration of Wincasa
Proportion of women in management
proportion of women in management positions in %
2023 influenced by integration of Wincasa
Part-time and full-time jobs
in %
2023 influenced by integration of Wincasa
Permanent and temporary jobs
in %
Fluctuation rate
in %
2020-2023 influenced by transformation
Age structure
in % for the year 2023
Employees with and without collective labor agreement
in %
2023 influenced by integration of Wincasa
Occupational accidents
in number of incidents per 1,000 full-time positions
Non-occupational accidents
in number of incidents per 1,000 full-time positions
Compliance cases
In number of reported allegations by type
Customer satisfaction
in % of satisfied customers that would recommend Implenia