Tubbing factory – Limoges Fourches
Short description
Implenia France, within the ALLIANCE group, has developed a specific production tool for segments (tunnel lining) for the needs of Grand Paris.
The project
This factory, composed of a covered hall of 7,000 m2 and a storage area of 12,000 m2 has a capacity of 105 segments per day, thanks to the use of a carousel CBE with 6 molds rings. Oven equipment can control temperature and hygrometry of 5 rings at the same time.
Thanks to the success of this installation, an extension of 12,000 m2 of storage is in progress and the demand no longer comes only from sites belonging to groups composed of Implenia but to others, such as the NGE-SALINI group (L16- 2).
Other horizons open up to this factory with a desire to diversify its activity to other customers.
- Increase the production capacity to manufacture segments for a 4th lot of the Grand Paris from 2020.
- Deliver the first fiber segments on a complete subway tunnel lot (SGP Line 16 lot 2).
- Diversify the business and adapt the legal structure to serve external clients
Further information
Key Figures
- Realization 12/2017 since today (always in activity)
- Total lenght 27 km / 303 000 m3
Implenia on site
What ?
Realisation of reinforced concrete segments or fiber concrete segments, used in TBM excavation
Scope of works
Precast concrete segments
Construction methods
Automatic carrousel
Project Participants
Société du Grand Paris
EGIS-Tractebel (SGP L16-2)
Implenia DE