E39 Eiganestunnelen
Short description
The E39 Eiganes tunnel (Lot E04) is part of the coastal main road between Kristiansand and Trondheim and is built in conjunction with rv.13 Ryfast which connects the municipal districts of Strand and Stavanger. This urban road tunnel project will relieve the area from traffic, improve road safety and reduce road congestion.
The project
The contract includes the construction of the new 3.7 km long double lane twin tubes Eiganes Tunnel from Schancheholen to Tasta, a 1.3 km long section of the Hundvåg Tunnel and on- and off ramps in Gamlingen and Madlaveien. A 1.5 km long section of the existing E39 between Schancheholen and Madlaveien will be upgraded by the construction of a 160 m long culvert and 4 roundabouts which include several ramps and civil structures.
The two tunnel tubes of the Eiganes Tunnel and the tubes of the Hundvåg Tunnel are linked with cross passages every 250 m. The excavated tunnel cross-section of the main tunnel is about 73 m² to 129 m² (T9.5 – T16). The on- and off ramps in Gamlingen are 320 m and 495 m long and in Madlaveien 520 m and 245 m. The excavated ramp sections and the tunnel sections of the Hundvåg Tunnel are about 57 m² to 110 m² (T5,7 – T13,77). The Eiganes Tunnel cross an existing sewer tunnel and the Byhaugtunnel with little overburden.
In total almost 11 km of tunnel were excavated and 7 portals were constructed which required blasting of 1,000,000 m³ of rock and installing of 100,000 m³ of shotcrete/concrete. Tunnel excavation was carried out by the "Norwegian" tunnelling method with rock injection and traditional rock support combined with a suspended water- and frost-protection inner lining and concrete elements.
Excavation of construction pits and precuts were facilitated by means of approx. 8,500 m² sheet piling. In addition, approx. 10,000 m² temporary and permanent noise protection barriers were installed. Miscellaneous landscaping works also belong to the scope of works.
Further information
Implenia on site
- Implenia Construction GmbH,
- Civil Engineering
- Landsberger Straße 290 a, D-80687 Munich
Scope of works
Technical + commercial leader
Participation on the consortium 60 %
Performed services
Tunnelling works
Construction methods
- Drill & blast method
- 2 x 3,700 m Eiganes Tunnel
- 2 x 1,300 m Hundvåg Tunnel
- Cross-section A = 57 -129 m²
- 7 tunnel portals
- Several ramps, A = 57 – 110 m²
- Upgrade of 1,500 m 4-lane road section
Phyllites with high mica and graphite content