AK Nuremberg East BW3-1 Overfly
Short description
586 metre long cable-stayed six-span steel composite bridge with 5 pylons
The project
Currently, there are frequent traffic jams and accidents at the Nuremberg-East interchange and the Nuremberg-Fischbach interchange due to intersecting traffic. The situation has been exacerbated by major traffic-intensive events such as trade fairs, football matches and concerts, all of which have their source and destination in the south of Nuremberg. With the overpass structure (so-called overfly), a steel composite bridge is being created at the Nuremberg East interchange using the incremental launching method, which will significantly improve traffic safety as well as the performance of international and interregional traffic. The measure comprises the construction of a 6-span bridge spanning the motorway junction Nuremberg East, crossing the A6 (Heilbronn - Amberg), the A9 (Berlin - Munich), the ramp Amberg Munich (2x) and the distributor roadway (Berlin - Amberg). After the construction of the 5 piers and 2 abutments in numerous, different traffic phases on the motorways, the steel construction of the steel composite superstructure including the pylons standing on it is moved using the incremental launching method. This is followed by the concreting of the in-situ concrete superstructure and the caps.
Services in detail
6,000 m3 in-situ concrete
1,700 t reinforcing steel
8,500 to composite steel superstructure
1,800'm bored piles
Tactile sliding method of steel composite deck with pylons Support spans 64.00 m + 4 x 115.00 m + 64.00 m = 588.00 m Construction work over motorways with flowing traffic Piers with transverse prestressing narrow radius
The construction of the measure will relieve the motorway interchange of a great deal of traffic. The Berlin - Heilbronn lane will be removed from the motorway interchange and the environment will be spared in terms of emissions.