Zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs
Alcohol and drugs
The safety and health of our employees is Implenia's top priority. We do everything we can to perform our daily work safely and avoid accidents. For this reason, there is zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs during working hours.

Global directive
An after-work beer in honor, but alcohol or drugs at work - especially if you work with machines and large equipment - that's not on. Fortunately, for most of you this is nothing new, but quite natural and normal. Because, as you all know, the use of alcohol, drugs and all other substances that have an influence on perception and responsiveness increases the risk of accidents quite significantly. Nevertheless, it is important to have binding written regulations on this subject. For this reason, Implenia has issued a global directiveissued. The aim is to prevent dangerous situations at work and the resulting accidents.
This directive regulates the consumption and consequences of consuming alcohol and other substances that could impair the ability to do a job safely and effectively. The rules apply during working hours to Implenia employees and to third parties on Implenia construction sites, in our offices or at other locations. Implenia and therefore all employees are committed to a zero tolerance policy towards alcohol and intoxicating substances during working hours. The global directive is binding for all employees. In Germany, the directive is implemented in the form of a works agreement due to the applicable co-determination.
Prohibition of consumption during working hours
The global directive contains a strict ban on the consumption of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances during working hours or during breaks when work continues afterwards. Exceptions are made only for special occasions (e.g. Christmas parties) with the permission of the supervisor and in compliance with the conditions described in the directive. The directive takes precedence over any other regulations (e.g. house rules, site regulations, supplements to the operating regulations, etc.). Individual countries may tighten, but not relax, the global directive at their discretion.
If you need to take medication, whether prescribed by a doctor or over-the-counter, please discuss this with your supervisor. If you have problems with alcohol, drugs, medications or similar substances, please also contact your supervisor or your HR Business Partner. There are several support options for this.
Be aware and protect yourself and your colleagues
It is also important that you keep your eyes open and report if you see anything that you believe is or may be in violation of this policy. Abuse of intoxicating substances can put us all at risk and good fellowship means being alert and protecting others, on the job site, in the office as well as at additional locations.
Zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs is also one of thesix Safety Rules that apply group-wide. Please remember to observe and comply with these rules at all times - for the protection of us all.