Gesamtsanierung Sommerhaldenstrasse 13+15
Short description
The properties, which comprise 102 flats, have never been completely renovated since they were constructed in 1981 and 1984.
The project
In an extended strategy phase, it was jointly decided with the owners to renovate the two properties while they remain occupied. This involves completely replacing the existing kitchens and bathrooms, renovating the windows and external wall insulation and upgrading the thermal performance of the properties. At the same time, all existing contaminants will be removed. The entrances and the underground car park together with the surrounding areas will be upgraded and redesigned to create a friendlier impression.
Services in detail
- Execution as total contractor
- Execution as general planner
- Structural condition analysis
- Property analysis / strategy orientation
- Renovation concept / feasibility study
- Design and execution
- Renovation strategy with passing on of costs
- Renovation works in occupied premises
- Upgrading of thermal performance by improving the building envelope and heating system
- Compliance with cantonal thermal insulation regulations for new constructions
- Preparation of a GEAK (cantonal energy performance certificate) and for eligibility for grant funds