[Translate to English:] BMI Moabiter Werder, Berlin

BMI Moabiter Werder, Berlin

Short description

The office building designed by the architecture firm Thomas Müller, Ivan Reimann Gesellschaft von Architekten is situated in the Moabiter Werder, an area in Berlin’s government district, and has a floor space of around 40,000 square metres.

The project

After a four-year construction period, the Berlin staff moved into their new office building at Moabiter Werder in late April 2015. The building is situated at the heart of the government district, right by the Chancellery. Over a surface area of some 40,000 square metres, it provides space for 1,360 or so employees in around 1,120 offices. The new construction was completed on the basis of a competition-winning design by the architecture firm Thomas Müller, Ivan Reimann Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH. The work carried out by Façade Technology included:

  • Casement windows with the same view but different requirements
  • Bullet-proof windows to FB 7 classification
  • External venetian blinds

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