Media release,
Comunicato stampa,
Comunicato stampa

Implenia wins second major infrastructure contract within the “Grand Paris Express” project

Implenia to help build the new Line 15 South, including 7 km of tunnels, a branch-off structure and nine auxiliary structures | Successful strategy implementation outside home markets

Dietlikon, 30 September 2016 – Having already won the contract for the “Lot GC01” section of the “Grand Paris Express” project at the end of June 2016, Implenia secured a second order today: the “Lot T2C” Noisy Champs Tunnel section of Line 15 South in the south-east of Paris. As with the first, Implenia will carry out this second major Grand Paris Express infrastructure order together with its consortium partners NGE (F), Demathieu & Bard (F) and Pizzarotti (IT). The whole project is being commissioned and funded by Société du Grand Paris (SGP), which is the public body responsible for planning and building the new “Grand Paris Express”. The latter is a transport network made up of six driverless subway lines. It includes around 200 kilometres of new tunnels and almost 70 new underground stations. Further construction lots will be awarded over the course of the next year. The latest order includes two start shafts south of Noisy Champs, the excavation of a 4.7 km long tunnel towards Bry-Villiers-Champigny (excluding stations), excavation of a 2.2 kilometre tunnel link to the maintenance and logistics station (SMR), as well as a large underground branch-off structure and eight intermediate shafts. Winning this project marks another important step forward for Implenia in the implementation of the company’s strategy outside its home markets. This is now the second “Grand Paris Express” lot that Implenia has been asked to build. Two months ago, the company won the “Lot GC01” contract to extend Line 11 for which construction is scheduled to begin in mid-October 2016.

Implenia press contact:

Philipp Bircher

Head of Communications Group

Tel.: +41 58 474 74 77


Overview of the Grand Paris Express: the consortium to which Implenia belongs has just won the contract to build the highlighted “Lot T2C” Noisy Champs Tunnel on the southern part of Line 15. (Picture: Implenia)

Impression of Noisy Champs station. (Picture: Société du Grand Paris, SGP)

Implenia, Switzerland’s leading construction and construction services company, also has a strong position in the German, Austrian and Scandinavian infrastructure markets. Established in 2006, Implenia can look back on around 150 years of construction tradition. It brings the expertise of its highly skilled sectoral and regional units together under the roof a company active throughout Europe. With its integrated business model and specialists operating in all areas of construction, the Group can manage a building project through its entire lifecycle and deliver work that is economical, integrated and customer-centric. The focus is on striking a sustainable balance between financial success and social and environmental responsibility.

Implenia, with its headquarters in Dietlikon near Zurich, currently employs more than 8,000 people around Europe and posted revenue ofaround CHF 3.3 billion in 2015. The company is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (IMPN, CH0023868554). More information can be found at www.implenia.com.