Media release,
Comunicato stampa

Annual General Meeting 2023: Shareholders approve all proposals

Ordinary dividend of CHF 0.40 per share decided | financial statements 2022 approved | Existing members of Board of Directors confirmed for further term | Raymond Cron elected as new Member of the Board of Directors | Changes to Articles of Association approved

Glattpark (Opfikon), 28 March 2023 – On Tuesday, Implenia Ltd.’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which was held in person for the first time since the pandemic, overwhelmingly approved all of the Board of Directors’ proposals. Shareholders voted by a majority of 99.68% to approve an ordinary dividend payment of CHF 0.40 per share. They also discharged Members of the Board of Directors and Management for their actions in 2022, approved the Annual Report 2022, financial statements and consolidated financial statements, and approved the Remuneration Report 2022 in a consultative vote. Shareholders additionally approved the maximum total remuneration paid to Members of the Board of Directors for the period between the AGM 2023 and the AGM 2024, as well as the maximum total compensation for management in fiscal year 2024.

Current Board Members Hans Ulrich Meister (Chairman), Kyrre Olaf Johansen, Henner Mahlstedt, Martin Fischer, Barbara Lambert and Judith Bischoff were all confirmed in their posts for a further term by a majority of over 95.8%. This high approval rating reflects the great trust that shareholders have in the Board and in Implenia’s strategy.

As already announced, Laurent Vulliet did not make himself available for re-election to the Board. The General Meeting of Shareholders elected Raymond Cron as a new Board member. The civil engineer and business economist has extensive industry know-how and leadership expertise in the construction and real estate industry.

The proposed amendments to the Articles of Association were also approved by a large majority.


Contact for media:

Corporate Communications, T +41 58 474 74 77, communication@implenia.com


Contact for Investors and Analysts:

Investor Relations, T +41 58 474 35 04, ir@implenia.com


Dates for investors:

16 August 2023: Interim results 2023, Analysts and Media Conference