The right way to behave at Implenia
Code of Conduct
How we work
Implenia conducts business ethically and responsibly. The basis for our day-to-day work and for making corporate decisions are our values and Code of Conducts, which summarise the most important rules of behaviour in our interactions with colleagues and third parties.
Baustellenposter, Construction site poster, Poster de chantier, Poster da cantiere, Affisch om byggarbetsplats, Byggeplassplakat
- Baustellenposter Deutsch [pdf, 2 MB]
- Poster de chantier Français [pdf, 2 MB]
- Construction site poster English [pdf, 2 MB]
- Poster da cantiere Italiano [pdf, 2 MB]
- Affisch om byggarbetsplats Svenska [pdf, 2 MB]
- Byggeplassplakat norsk [pdf, 2 MB]
- Αφίσα εργοταξίου ελληνική (Greek) [pdf, 2 MB]
- Постер за градилиште српски (Serbian) [pdf, 2 MB]
- Cartaz do canteiro de obras Português [pdf, 2 MB]
- Plakat gradilišta hrvatski [pdf, 2 MB]
- Plakat gradilišta bosanski [pdf, 2 MB]
- Şantiye afişi Türkçe [pdf, 2 MB]
- Cartel del sitio de construcción Español [pdf, 2 MB]
- Polski plakat budowlany [pdf, 2 MB]
- Afiș șantier românesc [pdf, 2 MB]
- Plakát staveniště česky [pdf, 2 MB]
- Poster kantieri Shqip [pdf, 2 MB]