Ämnen och projekt,

Swiss premiere: blasting with sustainable Hypex-bio explosives for the first time

Hypex-Bio is the first sustainable explosive to be used in a Swiss tunnel construction project. This revolutionary technology eliminates the environmental impact associated with conventional methods. The double-track expansion project between Ligerz and Twann on the Jura south foot line - one of the major projects currently being carried out by SBB - aims to eliminate the last single-track section between Lausanne and Biel. Hypex-Bio explosives are being used for the first time in Switzerland in the construction of the tunnel in Ligerz, a central element of the entire project.

The construction work, which is being managed by Implenia as the lead partner of the IBD consortium (Implenia, Bernasconi and De Luca), includes the construction of a 2.1 km long, two-lane tunnel, four escape tunnels, a viaduct and a redesign of the section of the cantonal road. The excavated material will be used sustainably, with some of it being used on site and other parts being processed in a nearby cement works.

Thanks to the close cooperation with SBB and Société Suisse des Explosifs (SSE), Implenia was able to use Hypex Bio technology for the first time in Switzerland and Central Europe on January 15, 2025 during the construction of the Ligerz tunnel. The nitrogen-free explosive Hypex Bio is an innovative and sustainable solution for future blast excavation work in underground mining and the extraction of rock in quarries. This revolutionary technology eliminates the environmental impact of contaminated excavated material and construction site wastewater associated with conventional methods, setting new standards in the industry.

With this step, SSE, Implenia and SBB are reaffirming their commitment to innovation and sustainability in infrastructure construction. Implenia is thus confirming its position as a forward-looking company by using new technologies and innovations that respect the environment in particular.

Double-track expansion between Gléresse and Twann

Implenia project information

Tunnel construction