Neues Regionshaus
Short description
The first public-private project to be awarded the gold standard by the German Sustainable Building Council (Deutsches Gütesiegel Nachhaltiges Bauen, DGNB).
The project
With ultra-detailed planning, top quality and innovative ideas, the Hanover regional administration building achieved the "KfW 40" energy standard and was awarded gold by the German Sustainable Building Council (Deutsches Gütesiegel Nachhaltiges Bauen, DGNB). The strong cooperation between all partners also resulted in this PPP project coming in 20 per cent under budget.
The six-storey new construction contains 190 offices for around 300 employees of Hanover's regional administration, as well as a multi-functional hall that covers an area of more than 700 square metres and has its own foyer.
Services in detail
The Hamburg branch office beat the competition in a public tendering procedure to win the contract for extensive services in the development, planning, construction and revitalisation phases.
Thanks to its high energy standard, the regional administration building was the first public-private project to be awarded the gold standard by the German Sustainable Building Council (in 2009). The project also came in 20 per cent under the planned budget.
Further information
Bilder: © Andreas Braun/Hameln