![[Translate to English:] Wohnüberbauung Neugrüen [Translate to English:] Wohnüberbauung Neugrüen](/fileadmin/implenia.com/leistungen/holzbau/referenzen.jpg/neugruen.jpg/IMP-HLZ-neugruen-mellingen.jpg)
"Neugrüen" residential complex
Short description
Multi-story wooden structures erected in prefabricated elements with a wood façade. The project meets Minergie P ECO standards.
The project
14 Terraced buildings containing a total of 68 apartments
9 multi-occupancy dwellings containing 13 additional units
2,000 m3 structural timber
1,600 m3 laminated timber
11,000 m2 facade
Wood/concrete composite ceiling slabs
Overlapping rhomboid façade details
Further information
- 2,000 m3 timber
- 1,600 m3 laminated timber
- 11,000 m3 façade