Lärmschutzwände Flörsheim am Main
Short description
Construction of noise protection walls in Flörsheim am Main
The project
Noise protection walls are being planned and built in Flörsheim am Main as part of the economic stimulus package II "Noise abatement on federal railways".
Services in detail
The construction measure includes the construction of six noise barriers (3.00 m above SE) with a total length of 3,707 m. Along the noise barriers - in the area of existing structures - 9 special structures are being built as well as various foundations by means of individual and strip foundations.
During a three-week full closure (24 h, both tracks) of the railway line, five of the total of six walls have to be finished completely. This corresponds to a length of 3,248 m or 88 % of the total volume. Completion in such a short time requires meticulous work preparation in terms of personnel and equipment planning, material logistics etc. The Lean Management department has already been involved - especially for the topic of truck deliveries and logistics.
Creation of replacement areas for lizards and vegetation by Deutsche Bahn. Minimisation of noise pollution for local residents.