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Proposal for “Unterfeld Süd” accepted at the ballot box

The “Baar gewinnt” support committee and the project owner are delighted that voters have clearly approved the “Unterfeld Süd” proposal. Implenia and its partners welcome the decision for a sustainable living and economic area in the region.

Baar, 27 September 2020 – The committee and project owner believe that by accepting the “Unterfeld Süd” proposal, the people of Baar have made an important and correct decision with regard to the future healthy development of Baar as a place to live and work. Voters have approved a concept that was developed under the leadership of the municipality of Baar in consultation with experts and local interest groups.

A neighbourhood that sets new standards

Over the coming years, Unterfeld Süd should grow to become a sustainable neighbourhood that offers a wide range of future-oriented, diverse and complementary facilities, and that sets new standards for Baar and the whole Zug region. The project owner envisages a new district that provides a symbiotic combination of village and town life, tradition and future, workplaces and homes: a networked space that facilitates new lifestyles, new forms of housing and new ways of working.

Unterfeld Süd offers many different development opportunities and types of usage. In addition to homes (rented, owner-occupied, affordable housing) there are plans for offices and services as well as public-use facilities on the ground floors of some buildings.

The site is in a cantonal densification area and is one of the last undeveloped construction zones in the region. It lies directly on the municipal border between Baar and Zug, near the Baar-Lindenpark train station and just by the Lorze recreational area.

Staggered implementation

The project owner is going to start immediately on the next steps so the will of Baar’s voters can be implemented promptly. An architectural competition will be launched at the start of 2021 for the first phase of building, which will be based on the guidelines in the neighbourhood design plan. Once the winning project is chosen in summer 2021, a development plan will be drafted for presentation to Baar’s Municipal Assembly, potentially in summer 2022. Planning applications will then be submitted for the two plots included in the first phase of construction. Work on the other phases should run in parallel with a slight time lag. Initial construction work on the site will start in summer 2023 at the earliest. Implenia is responsible for the entire site development and is developing plots 1A and 4 (marked in yellow in the picture) as owner and plots 1B and 3 (marked in green in the picture) on behalf of Ina Invest.

We would like to thank the municipality of Baar, the political and social figures who gave their support, and the voters of Baar for their confidence and for their clear commitment to Unterfeld Süd.

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