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Downloads for media
You will find photos and the Implenia logo here. As a journalist, you have the option of using these files. They relate to our company, our management and our services. These documents are available for download free of charge for use in media reports.

Implenia Multimedia database
Implenia visual world
Do you need images to support documentation or presentations?
To facilitate access to professional image material, this multimedia database is available. Currently 2950 images.
- Free access
- Public area with registration
Implenia Logo
Our brand: strong, contemporary and ready for the future

The name, symbol and brand express what Implenia is: the leading Swiss construction and real estate services company with the comprehensive range of products and services in traditional and new markets at home and abroad.
Implenia comes from "implement" - the original Latin word means to fulfil, complete, supplement. On the practical level of construction, the name aptly describes what we do: We implement ideas and plans, we complete, integrate, expand.
The Implenia flower, a daisy, is a likeable symbol of life and, as a figurative mark, unique in the construction industry. It embodies new thinking, strength, closeness and joy.
Implenia makes (almost) everything possible. What we plan should serve people, their safety, their mobility, their security, their comfort and their economic interests. Implenia designs and builds sustainably with and for people - for the living, working and mobility needs of tomorrow.