St. Gallen, Implenia Switzerland Ltd.
In St. Gallen können unsere Kunden auf das ganze Leistungsportfolio von Implenia zurückgreifen. Unsere Spezialisten agieren standort- und bereichsübergreifend, um Ihnen die beste Lösung aus einer Hand anzubieten.
Am Standort St. Gallen befindet sich zudem ein Implenia Werkhof. Der Werkhof ist der zuverlässige interne Partner der Baustellen zur Versorgung mit Inventar bzw. Material und einer breiten Palette von Dienstleistungen. Angeboten werden unter anderem zahlreiche Gerätschaften und Maschinen sowie Kleinmaterial und Elektrotechnik. Der Werkhof stellt so die Arbeitsfähigkeit der Baustellen sicher.
Angebotene Leistungen
WÜB Bernhardswies, Bernhardswiesstr. 28-34, Hechtackerstr. 12-12g, 14-14b
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Start of construction:
August 2017
Construction volume (value of our services):
36,5 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
New construction of four apartment buildings with 147 rental apartments and commercial premises as well as a kindergarten.
«RIVUS» WÜB Rehetobelstrasse 64 / 66
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Start of construction:
February 2017
Construction volume (value of our services):
18,7 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
New construction of two apartment buildings with 55 apartments and conversion of the old workshop.
Neubau Hallenbad Oberes Rheintal in Altstätten
Altstätten, Switzerland
Start of construction:
January 2016
Construction volume (value of our services):
17,5 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
Demolition work with pollutant cleanup of existing HB new indoor swimming pool.
St. Margrethen, Switzerland
Start of construction:
January 2016
Construction volume (value of our services):
13,6 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
New construction of four apartment buildings with 36 apartments.
Sportpark Bergholz
Wil, Switzerland
Start of construction:
August 2012
Construction volume (value of our services):
46,4 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
Overall renovation of the sports and recreational facility.
Herisau Kasernenareal
Herisau, Switzerland
Start of construction:
May 2012
Construction volume (value of our services):
25,3 M EUR
Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization
In June 2012, the foundation stone was laid in Herisau for the planned adaptations to the barracks buildings. The intact load-bearing structure and the existing generous room layout in the multi-storey old building made of…
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Implenia Switzerland Ltd.
St. Josefen-Strasse 65
9000 St. Gallen
Opening hours