Vi som leder operativt
Implenia leds av ett verkställande utskott som bemannas av erfarna personligheter från vårt team på cirka 9000 medarbetare.

André Wyss
Chief Executive Officer
Personal data
- Born 1967
- Swiss citizen
- Various Executive Education Modules in Leadership Development at Harvard Business School
- Study of economics at the University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich (HWV)
- Apprenticeship as chemical worker at Sandoz (today Novartis)
Professional Experience
- Since 2018
CEO Implenia Group - 2016—2018
President of Novartis Operations (global) and Country President of Novartis Switzerland (responsible for, among other things, the entire production process, central group services such as real estate and infrastructure, IT, procurement, personnel, and accounting, as well as Corporate Affairs) - 2014—2018
Member of Novartis Group Management - Previously
Various positions at Novartis, including President of Novartis USA, Executive for other Country and Regional Companies (Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, Group Emerging Markets, Greece), and Executive for Novartis Business Services, Head of Pharmaceutical Production in Europe, CFO for Research & Development
Memberships on Boards of Directors
- Ina Invest Ltd (Member) - listed
- E. Merck KG (member of the Board of Partners)

Adrian Wyss
Head Division Real Estate
Personal data
- Born 1975
- Swiss citizen
- Architect, University of Applied Sciences
- Postgraduate degree in Business Administration, Bern\ University of Applied Sciences
Professional Experience
- Since 2019
Head Division Real Estate - 2015—2019
Business Unit Head Modernization & Development, Implenia - 2013—2015
Head Modernization, Implenia - 2006—2013
Various functions within Implenia - 2000—2006
Architect at Pfister Schiess Tropeano Architekten, Zurich

Jens Vollmar
Head Division Buildings/Country President Switzerland
Personlig information
- Född 1984
- Tysk medborgare
- Degree in business economics from the University of St. Gall (Dr. oec. HSG)
- Sedan 2019
Head Division Buildings and Country President Switzerland - 2015—2018
Business Unit Head Buildings, Implenia - 2014—2015
Head Business Development Buildings, Implenia - 2013—2014
Head CEO Support, Implenia - 2011—2013
Senior Consultant at the Institute for Finance, Financial Law, and Law & Economics, University of St. Gall (HSG)
Ytterligare roller och erfarenheter
- Lecturer in Construction and Real Estate Management, University of St. Gallen (HSG)
- Vice president of the association «Entwicklung Schweiz»
- Member of the association «Bauenschweiz»

Erwin Scherer
Head Division Civil Engineering
- Född 1966
- Österrikisk medborgare
Utbildningsmässig bakgrund
- Master of Science i underjordsteknik, Montan University Leoben
Professionell karriär
- sedan september 2024
Chef för divisionen Civil Engineering - 2019-2024
Global Head Tunnelling på Implenia - 2002 - 2019
Chef för divisionen Tunnelling på Ed. Züblin AG - 1999 - 2001
Senior projektledare på Walter Bau AG - 1995 - 1999
Byggchef på Stuag / Strabag AG, Wien
Övriga funktioner och uppdrag
- Styrelseledamot i European International Contractors (EIC)
- Styrelseledamot i Austrian Construction Technology Association

Anita Eckardt
Head Division Specialties
Personlig information
- Född1973
- Dansk medborgare
- Master of International Business, Munich Business School
- Executive Coach, Coaching Institute Copenhagen
- Sedan 2019
Head Division Specialties - 2019—2019
CEO of Habitects AG - 2017—2018
Chief Operating Officer at CRH Swiss Distribution - 2008—2016
CMO Saint-Gobain Distribution Denmark & Sales Director Vetrotech Saint-Gobain International - 2005—2008
Global Key Account & Marketing Manager at Bang & Olufsen - 2001—2005
Global Brand Manager at Grundfos
Medlemskap i styrelser
- Dansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab a.m.b.a. (Member)
- CKW AG (Member)

Stefan Baumgärtner
Chief Financial Officer
Personlig information
- Född 1971
- Schweizisk medborgare
- Executive MBA, Dipl. Controller NDS HF, FHS Ostschweiz
- Industrial Engineer, University of Liechtenstein
- since 2022
CFO Implenia Group - 2017 – 2022
CFO EMS Group - 2014 – 2017
Division CFO of RUAG Space - 2008 – 2014
Vice President Finance Sulzer in Houston, Texas

Claudia Bidwell
Chief Human Resources Officer
Personlig information
- Född1966
- Schweizisk och tysk medborgare
- Bachelor of Science in Economics from London University (UCL)
- British Psychological Society, certified in “Work & Organizational Assessment”
- Sedan 2020
Chief Human Resources Officer Implenia Group - 2019 - 2020
Global Head of People and Organization Development as well as Head HR Switzerland at Implenia - 2017 – 2019
Global HR Head Talent Development & Organisational Capability at Takeda Pharmaceuticals - 2004 – 2017
Various leadership positions within Novartis

German Grüniger
General Counsel
Personlig information
- Född 1969
- Schweizisk medborgare
- Stanford Executive Program (SEP), 2019
- Lic. iur., University of Freiburg
- Dr. iur, University of Basel
- LL.M, New York University
- Attorney at Law
- Standford Executive Program (SEP), 2019
- Sedan 2014
General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer Implenia Group - 1996—2014
Associate and partner at the law firm Schumacher Baur Hürlimann, Zurich and Baden (today Baur Hürlimann AG) - 1995—1996
Law clerk, distict court of Zurzach
- MediData AG (Chairman)
- Bürgenstock Hotels AG (Member)
- Bürgenstock Bahn AG (Member)
- Bergbahnen Beckenried-Emmetten AG (Vice-Chairman)
Ytterligare roller och uppdrag
- Board of Trustees of the Felsenweg am Bürgenstock Foundation (Vice-Chairman)