Sustainability premiere in French-speaking Switzerland

By June 2021, Implenia as total contractor had modernised the building Rue de Lausanne 42-44 in the centre of Geneva, increased the gross floor area from 6,695 m2 to 8,301 m2 by adding two storeys and creating 14 new flats. Originally, the building had a GEAK energy label (G/E). The building owner, SGI Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Immobilien AG, a company of the Intershop Group, had newly raised the goals of energy renovation and sustainable construction to a very ambitious level during planning and modernisation. Thanks to the good cooperation between Intershop, Implenia, Jaccaud + Associés Architects, Energy Management and the specialist planners, it was possible to achieve the HPE Renovation energy standard, the GEAK energy label (B/B) and, above all, the SNBS Gold label for sustainable building. Following the platinum award for the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, this is the first time that the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard (SNBS) has awarded the Gold certificate in French-speaking Switzerland.
The Swiss Sustainable Building Standard SNBS 2.1 Building Construction is a comprehensive and certifiable standard for sustainable buildings in Switzerland. It is based on existing instruments and tools such as the recommendation SIA 112/1 "Sustainable Construction - Building Construction", the objectives of the 2000-watt society or the requirements of Minergie-ECO. The system boundary of the SNBS 2.1 Building Construction includes the building itself, but consistently integrates its context into the consideration. The aim is to incorporate the three dimensions of sustainable building - society, economy and environment - equally and in a way that is as target- and impact-oriented as possible in planning, construction and operation. The life cycle of a property is thus taken into account in a phase-appropriate manner.
We would like to thank all those involved in the project for their trust:
- Owner/client: SGI Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Immobilien AG, a company of the Intershop Group
- Architects: Jaccaud + Associés
- Total contractor/sustainable construction: Implenia
- Civil engineer: Synaxis
- HVAC (Heat Ventilation Air Cooling) Engineer and Building Physics: Energy Management
- Acoustics: CSD Engineers + Archac
- Engineer asbestos removal: Alterego
- Property management: Régie Brun
- Tenant management: EcoCitoyen
- Energy consulting for building owner: Bed'In