Fußgängerbrücke BVG
Short description
Replacement construction of a pedestrian bridge in the course of the new construction of the BVG training center.
The project
As part of the construction of the new training center with an integrated maintenance hall for Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), the almost 100-meter-long pedestrian bridge is being replaced. The new, barrier-free bridge leads employees from the Olympiastadion subway station directly to the BVG property on Machandelweg, crossing eight tracks. It will also serve as a direct route for trainees to the new training center from the start of the school year in autumn 2023.
Services in detail
In addition to the construction of the bridge, further subcontracts were awarded, bringing the total contract value to EUR 8,600,000. The media development of the training center was carried out with the renewal of a sewer and the laying of medium-voltage and various communication cables, as well as additional track construction work to connect to the holding hall.