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Implenia man wins gold at skills championship

Impressive performance at SwissSkills Bern 2014 | Implenia employee Sandro Leuenberger and team-mate win “Best Road Builder in Switzerland” title

Dietlikon, 23 September 2014 – Last Sunday, Implenia employee Sandro Leuenberger from Hunzenschwil AG, together with his team-mate Pascal Studer from Reichenbach BE, became Switzerland’s champion road builders. They won their competition, organised by the Infra trade association, during SwissSkills Bern 2014. This was the first ever SwissSkills and it gave the public an opportunity to follow 1,000 competitors in 70 professional championships covering a total of 130 different trades and professions. Over the course of four days, 14 road builders from German and French-speaking Switzerland put their skills to the test. With the clock ticking and around 155,000 visitors looking on, they had to build a complex section of road covering an area of approximately 30 square metres. A jury of experts then evaluated the different surfaces involved – from natural stone paving to asphalt – checking their height, slope and geometry. The two happy winners were presented with their gold medals in front of 5,000 spectators at the victory celebrations on Sunday evening. One of them, Sandro Leuenberger (18), completed his apprenticeship at Implenia and has been working for Implenia in Buchs AG since August 2014. “Implenia is very proud of Sandro Leuenberger,” says Anton Affentranger, CEO of Implenia. “His great success shows just how skilful our young professionals are. We congratulate Sandro on his achievement and are proud to count him as one of our own.” Implenia currently has around 200 young people doing apprenticeships in office-based roles and in trades such as road building.

Contact for media:

Natascha Mathyl

Communications Manager

Tel.: +41 58 474 74 77


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The beaming winners of the Swiss Road Building Championship: Implenia employee Sandro Leuenberger (third from left) and his team-mate Pascal Studer (fourth from left, Walo Bertschinger) won gold. Photo: @swissskillsbern2014.ch

Left: Implenia employee Sandro Leuenberger now holds the title of “Switzerland’s Best Road Builder”. Photo: Implenia

Right: The road builders at work at SwissSkills Bern 2014. Photo: Implenia

Implenia is the leading construction and construction services company in Switzerland. Formed in 2006 from the merger between Zschokke and Batigroup, Implenia can look back on around 150 years of history in the construction industry. The company brings the expertise of its highly skilled Modernisation & Development, Buildings, and Tunnelling & Civil Engineering Sectors, and its Switzerland and Norway Regions under the single roof of a nationally and internationally active company. With its integrated business model and specialists operating in all its divisions, Implenia can manage a building project through its entire lifecycle and deliver work that is economical, integrated and customer-centric. The focus is on striking a sustainable balance between financial success and social and environmental responsibility.

Implenia, with its headquarters in Dietlikon near Zurich, employs more than 6900 people and posted turnover of around CHF 3.1 billion in 2013. The company is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (IMPN, CH0023868554). For further information please visit www.implenia.com.