FuW assessment: Implenia does everything right

Finanz und Wirtschaft (FuW) confirms the good result in its initial assessment of Implenia's half-year results:
"When first looking at the construction group's figures for the first half of the year, the first thing that stands out is the almost halved profit figures compared with the previous year. However, this is not a sign of alarm, but a consequence of the fact that the Real Estate division was able to sell an exceptionally large number of projects in the first half of 2022.
This year, business is back on track, so a comparison with the previous year is appropriate. This has resulted in significant growth in EBIT and profit, which once again underlines the fact that Implenia, with its focus on large and complex building construction and civil engineering projects, is well positioned to make progress even in a generally weakening construction market.
The forecast published in March for the year as a whole, with EBIT of CHF 120 million, to which the property management company Wincasa acquired in the spring will also contribute, and an equity ratio of over 20%, is confirmed. Management is obviously doing everything right at the moment."
The entire assessment and analysis from FuW:
Initial assessment of the half-year figures: Implenia is doing everything right (German)