Significant improvement
Successful order acquisition
The division’s revenue is exactly the same as in 2018 at CHF 2,300 million. The excellent order growth seen in the first half continued during the second six months of the year. We made successful project acquisitions in all units. Some examples: replacing the Grimsel dam wall in Switzerland, winning a third section of the Grand Paris Express in France, a new railway line and station for the town of Moss in Norway, detailed planning and execution of the twin-track rail expansion between Varberg and Hamra in Sweden. All of these successes reinforce our position in our home markets and confirm how well we are able to exploit market opportunities created by the mobility megatrend and by increasing infrastructure investment.

“The new organisational structure has greatly strengthened collaboration across national borders, which is particularly important for Civil Engineering. This is also reflected in our acquisition successes.”
René Kotacka
Former Head Division Civil Engineering
The earnings situation in the challenging “civil” market is still not as good as required. The turnarounds in Swiss regional business and in Germany are progressing according to plan, and the quality of the order book has improved further. Thanks to more integrated internal collaboration and the use of new techniques like project modelling, we were able to bring a smarter and more competitive approach to the projects. We are currently evaluating different organic and inorganic growth options, geographically and along the value chain. We are also developing very specific actions to accelerate profitable growth in existing markets; these include setting clear priorities in selected regions.
New divisional management
The appointment of Christian Späth as the new head of the division meant that we were able to find a successor to René Kotacka from within our own ranks. Christian Späth took over as Head Division Civil Engineering on 1 January 2020, also becoming a Member of the Implenia Executive Committee. He is a manager with many years of international experience. Christian Späth has worked in various specialist and leadership positions at Implenia since 2012. Among other things, he was responsible for Implenia’s entry into the Austrian and German tunnelling markets between 2013 and 2015. He took over as head of the whole tunnelling business in all markets in 2015. In the wake of Implenia’s new strategy and reorganisation, Christian Späth took over as head of the global civil business in March 2019.

“After my experience in engineering, tunnelling and special foundations, I am very pleased to be taking on even more responsibility at Implenia. I would like to thank my predecessor René Kotacka very much for his great work. I will continue his efforts to implement the strategy in Division Civil Engineering.”
Christian Späth
New Head Division Civil Engineering
Order backlog
in CHF m
3,613(2018: 3,145)
Successful acquisitions in all three areas, despite more selective approach.
in %
70.2(2018: 68.6)
Slight improvement in visibility, which was already high.
Production output
unconsolidated in CHF m
2,344(2018: 2,363)
Production output remains solid.
as at 31.12.
5,250(2018: 5,044)
Further expansion of leading international capabilities.
in CHF m
Revenue steady at previous year’s level.
in CHF m
Significantly improved EBITDA as unprofitable special foundations and tunnelling projects come to an end and based on solid profit situation.

Semmering Base Tunnel, Austria
The planned Semmering Base Tunnel (SBT) is currently one of the most important large-scale infrastructure projects in Central Europe. It forms part of Austria’s new southern railway, which serves as the central axis for trans-European routes from the Baltic coast to the Adriatic. With a total length of 27.3 km, the SBT links the country’s Lower Austria and Steiermark regions. Implenia is the lead company on two of the three sections, Gloggnitz (SBT 1.1) and Fröschnitzgraben (SBT 2.1). Two single-track tunnels, each 7.8 km in length, are being built on the Gloggnitz section, and two of 12.9 km on the Fröschnitzgraben section. Both sets of tunnels are being made through a combination of drill and blast, and excavation, though one part of the Fröschnitzgraben section is being created with tunnel boring machines. Owing to the difficult geological conditions in an extremely heterogeneous mountain with huge fault zones, water ingress of up to 300l/s is forecast. The SBT marks Implenia’s successful entry into the Austrian market for large-scale infrastructure projects.
Photo by öbb/grafebner
Project key figures
400 m
Depth of access shaft at Fröschnitzgraben
27.3 km
Total length
Implenia workers during peak phases

Schwamendingen road enclosure, Switzerland
940 metres long, 30 metres wide and between 8 and 10 metres high: the enclosure being built to protect the Zurich districts of Schwamendingen and Oerlikon from the noise and pollution of the city-centre motorway is a huge undertaking. The roof of the housing structure is also creating a public park and leisure zone, contributing to a lasting improvement in the quality of life of those who live in the area. With three control centres, a ventilation system with a 20 m chimney, five localised ventilation systems, 15 drainage and SOS bays, four access points for trams, a subway, three auxiliary bridges, two kilometres of surface and track construction, 234 precast concrete beams, each 32 metres in length and weighing 70 tonnes, this is a highly complex infrastructure project. To complicate matters further, traffic has to be able to flow in both directions during construction, a wide variety of different construction trades are involved, and a tram tunnel, which must not be disturbed, runs underneath the motorway for 450 metres. Implenia, working as part of a joint venture, is the lead manager and technical lead for the project, which involves its engineering and special foundations units, as well its trenchless specialists and BIM department. Construction work began in 2018 and will be completed by May 2024.
Photo 1 by Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA / Raumgleiter GmbH, Zürich
Project key figures
115,000 m3
of reinforced concrete
retaining walls for construction pits (total contractor assignment)

Varberg, Sweden
The railway line between Gothenburg and Lund on Sweden’s west coast is one of the country’s key transport links for both passengers and goods. The single track section through the town of Varberg is a vital part of the route, and urgently needs to be expanded to a double track. To enable this, trains will run beneath Varberg from 2024. As well as a tunnel, a new passenger railway station and a new freight station must be built. And all of this has to be done while the trains keep running on the existing line. Completion is scheduled for 2025. The project is structured as an ECI (“early contractor involvement”): Implenia was closely involved in Phase 1 of the process so that its practical construction expertise could be fed in at the concept and pre-planning stage. This work went so well that the client, Trafikverket, awarded Phase 2 to Implenia as well, making it design and build contractor for the Varberg job. It is now bringing its expertise and high standards to the detailed planning and execution. Digital tools play a key role in the management of the whole project.
Project key figures
CHF 360 million
total project volume
2.8 km
tunnel length
27 km
of rail track
Division profile
From underground to the regions. Division Civil Engineering encompasses tunnel construction, special foundations and Implenia’s regional business, which includes road and railway construction. Its aim is to develop its leading international engineering expertise further in order to make full use of the mobility and infrastructure investment megatrends. The division’s range of services extends from the development of specific solutions to the integrated management of major hybrid projects. In all of these areas, Implenia has a leading position in Switzerland and a recognised presence in its other home markets.