The year in brief
- Increased profitability, all Divisions successful:
- EBIT CHF 130.5 million, EBIT margin enhanced to 3.7%
- Equity ratio improved to 21.2%; adjusted free cash flow of CHF 58.2 million (excluding Wincasa M&A and above-average net investment in real estate portfolio)
- Order book at a high level and of good quality
- Industry leader in sustainability
- Implenia continues to implement its strategy consistently and develop its operating model
- The Group is aiming for EBIT of CHF ~140 million in 2025 and has confirmed its medium-term financial targets

Geographical presence
Implenia’s relevant markets

This report includes alternative performance measures. These are defined in the chapter “Alternative performance measures”.
This Annual Report is also available in German. The original German version is binding.