Implenia reaffirms its strategy – “New Horizon” phase to increase profitability further
Implenia generates added value for clients at all stages of the value creation process. The Group brings together the know-how of its highly skilled development, planning, execution and management units under a single roof. With integrated services from a single source - and close cooperation across all Divisions and functions - the company plans, implements and manages large real estate projects in urban centres as well as complex infrastructure for mobility and energy. Implenia supports customers throughout the entire life-cycle of their building or structure. Specialists and experts with capabilities across all the relevant disciplines develop and implement comprehensive solutions that are tailored to meet the specific challenges as effectively as possible.
An integrated business model with comprehensive services along the entire value chain creates added value for our clients
effective 1 April 2025

New Horizon: Implenia continues to implement its strategy consistently
Implenia is continuing to implement its successful strategy, which has four priorities: Portfolio, Profitable Growth, Innovation and Talent & Organisation. In the "New Horizon" phase, the Group is aiming to further improve its profitability so that it can achieve its medium-term financial target of an EBIT margin of >4.5% and a 25% equity ratio. The main focus is on the following areas:
- The Group is optimising its existing business by continuing to apply the Value Assurance approach consistently and by making project processes and procedures more efficient (e.g. through digitalization, BIM and lean construction).
- The company is expanding its existing business and continues to focus on higher-margin projects where there is a clear competitive advantage, especially as a result of its sector-oriented specialisation in high-growth areas.
- Implenia develops new, higher-margin business through forward or backward integration along the value chain. It also identifies and scales new, innovative business ideas.
This expansion of the business portfolio will be asset-light and may be realised both organically and inorganically; the primary focus of all Divisions will still be on the Swiss and German markets, though tunnelling and related infrastructure services will also be offered in other European markets.
The operating model has been further developed in line with the Group's strategy. As of 1 April 2025, Implenia is organising its business portfolio into three Divisions - led by existing members of the Implenia Executive Committee. This will align the divisional structure more closely to the needs of Implenia clients while strengthening the company's integrated offer for large, complex and specialised real estate and infrastructure projects:
- Divisions Real Estate and Buildings will be merged into Division Buildings, led by Adrian Wyss. This Division includes the real estate portfolio as well as building construction activities in Switzerland and Germany. Synergies will be generated between real estate development and construction services to provide an end-to-end customer experience.
- Division Civil Engineering, headed by Erwin Scherer, remains a leading provider of tunnelling services throughout Europe, as well as of civil engineering and special foundations services in Switzerland and Germany.
- Division Service Solutions, led by Anita Eckardt, continues to develop into a provider of innovative services. It combines expertise in the fields of engineering, planning and management, and now also includes Wincasa, the leading service provider for real estate management, centre and mixed-use site management and construction management. All of the units in these Divisions have similar, very asset-light and market-oriented business models.
This optimised structure will enable Implenia to expand its portfolio efficiently and purposefully. These adjustments to the operating model will lead to a reduction in the size of the Implenia Executive Committee from eight to seven members.
Jens Vollmar, Head of the current Division Buildings, will take over as CEO from André Wyss on 1 April 2025 as previously announced.
Strategic priorities in the implementation of the “New Horizon” phase

Market development and Implenia Group's positioning
The megatrends of population growth and urbanisation, energy transition and investment in new or modernised transport and energy infrastructure continue to stimulate demand for real estate projects in attractive urban locations as well as for large infrastructure projects. Meanwhile, profound changes such as digitalization, industrialisation, standardisation and other technological innovations are shaping the industry.
Within building construction, the new-build sector in Switzerland is forecast to grow in 2025, while the recovery has still not arrived in Germany. Solid growth is expected in the market for renovating existing properties in both Switzerland and Germany. The civil engineering sector will continue to grow in Western European markets in 2025, driven by the need for public sector investment in modern infrastructure for transport and renewable energy (e.g. increasing demand for pumped storage power plants).
With its comprehensive, integrated portfolio of services along the entire value chain and its sector-oriented specialisations, Implenia is excellently positioned to take on challenging projects in these areas.
Operating model: adjusted divisional structure merges the existing Divisions Real Estate and Buildings
Organisation chart as at 1 April 2025

The Implenia Executive Committee in 2024, from left to right:
Anita Eckardt (Head Division Specialties), Stefan Baumgärtner (Chief Financial Officer), German Grüniger (General Counsel), Jens Vollmar (Head Division Buildings and Country President Switzerland), André Wyss (Chief Executive Officer), Erwin Scherer (Head Division Civil Engineering), Claudia Bidwell (Chief Human Resources Officer) and Adrian Wyss (Head Division Real Estate)