Health & Safety
Implenia is working to reduce the Group-wide accident rate by at least 50 % by the end of 2025 compared to the reference year of 2020. Our efforts have led to a steady decline in the number of accidents at work: to 43 accidents per thousand full-time jobs in 2022.
Safety processes: logging and analysing incidents
Implenia’s incident management process sets out the roles, responsibilities and tasks that apply when incidents occur. Taking a structured approach at all levels, this process helps reduce any injuries or damage and avoid any further impact. “Fortunately, we have rarely had to apply this process to its full extent, i.e. for serious accidents,” says Felix Akeret, Global Head Safety. “However, where the process has been used, it has proved very effective, especially the requirement that all parties involved meet shortly after the incident to discuss next steps.”
Implenia has a system called Synergi Life through which all accidents are reported in standard format. Information is also collected systematically about near misses, i.e. incidents that did not actually cause any damage but could have done so. Key metrics such as the accident rate can be sourced directly from Synergi Life. The system can also evaluate incidents according to their potential impact. If an incident has minor effects but potentially could have had more serious consequences, this is highlighted so that lessons can be learned.
Safety leadership: leaders as role models
The Global Head Safety presents a 20-minute “Safety Moment” at the monthly meetings of the Implenia Executive Committee. Safety inspections are mandatory for managers; their annual goals include the number of inspections they must carry out. This involves managers even more closely in the topic of safety at work and signals to on-site workers that they are receiving attention and support. Safety was also made an integral part of the “Winning Performance” executive development programme for the first time in 2022. The approximately 60 middle managers on the programme spent half a day dealing intensively with the topic of occupational Health & Safety.
Safety information: learn from examples
Global Safety Alerts have been used to share selected incidents with all employees since 2022 so everyone can learn from the accidents t hat do happen. Best practices are particularly useful learning tools. The Implenia Health & Safety Award, for example, honours three projects or teams that have done particularly good work on accident prevention. In 2022, the Südcampus Bad Homburg project team in Germany came first. Second place went to the Timber Construction team in Rümlang (Switzerland) and third to the TELT project team in France. These videos provide more information about the teams and their safety measures:
Südcampus: We develop solutions!

Health & Safety Day
Health & Safety affects everyone
Following similar events at Division and country level, Implenia held a Group-wide Health & Safety Day for the first time in autumn 2022. The aim was to raise awareness and strengthen employees’ sensitivity to the topic through a shared experience. All employees in every country, business area and function concentrated on the main topic for the day: “dilemma”. The focus was on dialogue between managers and their teams. There were also site and office tours focused on Health & Safety, evacuation exercises, training in first aid and the use of defibrillators, as well as workshops on health topics. An internal evaluation showed that the event was very well received; it will be repeated annually with a different focus each time.