[Translate to English:] Lärmschutzwand Rastatt-Karlsruhe-Wiesental

Rastatt-Karlsruhe-Wiesental noise barrier

Short description

Installation of noise barriers along the Rastatt-Karlsruhe-Wiesental railway line

The project

As part of the federal government’s programme to improve noise protection measures on railways, noise barriers were constructed in four sub-projects along the railway lines 4000 Karlsruhe–Basel, 3443 Winden–Karlsruhe and 4020 Mannheim–Rastatt.  

Services in detail

Steel piles driven with a vibrator were used as the foundation for the posts. The walls were built almost entirely during night shifts from the track up.


The biggest challenge in the project was the actual construction of the four sub-sections. Despite significant overlaps with railway operations and disruptions to workflows, the precise mapping of the logistics for equipment and personnel ensured that the project could be completed.

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